Testimonial forThe Hidden Cause of Acne: Naija H. from Roseville, CA
Before reading The Hidden Cause of Acne, did you have any reservations about the idea that fluoride can cause acne and other health problems?
Before reading The Hidden Cause of Acne, I had heard about the potential negative effects of the consumption of fluoride, but failed to adequately explore this mode of thinking as it was encapsulated within multiple conspiracy theories.
When and how did you first hear about the book?
I found the book as of summer 2018 while searching for books on the topic of acne on Amazon.
Please describe any relevant health concerns you were experiencing when you decided to read the book.
I was experiencing chronic cystic acne and hypothyroidism. Although I was unaware that I was hypothyroid at all until I started reading the book.
When did you first develop acne and how long did you have it?
From 13 years old to 19 years old.
Where was your acne located? Was it cystic?
I had acne on my face, chest and, back. Yes, it was cystic.
Do you have dental fluorosis?
Did you ever seek professional help in addressing these concerns? If so, what treatments did they recommend and what were the results?
When I was 13 or 14 I went on a 6 month cycle of Accutane as a means of clearing up my chronic cystic acne and it definitely "worked"- as in it addressed the symptom and not the root cause. During the treatment my skin was extremely dry and if I failed to apply lotion (every day) and chapstick (literally every hour) it appeared as though I was shedding my skin like a snake. After the treatment however, my acne flared up again albeit not as much as before, and for the ensuing years I have battled chronic cystic Acne to no avail- until I read your book that is.
How long did it take to eliminate excess fluoride from your diet and clear your skin?
It literally took four days until I saw significant improvement (probably about 90% clearing of the skin). I have yet to reach 100% clearing of the skin (particularly of my chest and back) which is coincidentally where most of the fluoridated showering water makes contact with my skin.
What indicators did you experience that suggested your acne was caused by fluoride?
When I removed fluoride from my drinking water (usually ill drink about 1 gallon or more per day) my acne cleared up significantly in a matter of a few days. When I've added fluoridated food or beverages back into my diet my acne flares up just as readily as it dissipates when removing fluoride from my diet.
What was the most challenging part of limiting your fluoride exposure?
The fact that water is used for everything!
What advice would you give to people still struggling with acne?
Eliminate as much fluoride from your diet as possible even if it has no
How would you sum up your testimonial for The Hidden Cause of Acne in one line?
The Hidden Cause of Acne was instrumental in my enlightenment on the subject of what causes my acne, and therefore how to eliminate it, as well as the condition known as hypothyroidism as it relates to fluoride and iodine, and how I can normalize the functioning of my thyroid gland.